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Mission: Rehabilitate Soil with Goats
“There is no machine that can do what a goat can do.” – Donny Benz, Co-founder
Goat Grazing Boot Camp
Become a certified Goat Grazier gaining valuable experience through on-the-job-training. Explore and learn in the Rocky Mountain West to the Pacific. Boot Camp meets 5 times a year, 7 days each time, in 4 different seasons, on 10 different job sites, for 10 different client types, in 5 different states, in 2 years.
Now is the Time: Taking Care of Dirt
We are killing balanced soil microbe systems by practices using chemical production farming, industrial toxins, and development. We are in a mess and it’s time to fix it.
Enough Already.
In 2020, an estimated 3.5 million tons of pesticides were used in the war on weeds. Toxic chemicals dispersed onto soil, on plants, into water, and in the air year after year to kill the weeds is not sustainable. There are consequences. It’s time to do things differently.