Ready to change your life?
- Introductory Class. Prerequisite big picture concept class.
- 30-day Basic Training. In-the-field trial period for those interested in Boot Camp or becoming an Apprentice.
- Boot Camp. A 2-year training program for those who want to start up or scale up their own business.
- Apprentice. Hired help with a paid stipend for those who do not want to run their own business.
- Introductory Class. $1,500. 8-hour Big Picture Concept class taught remotely by live instructors on Zoom over multiple days. Is a prerequisite for further classes and/or training. This stand-alone class is a conceptual overview of past land practices and policies and their unintended consequences, with a focus on how we need to move forward in climate change with increasing human population, record high temperatures, extreme weather events, more fires, extended drought, and less available freshwater. LEARN MORE
- 30-day Reality Check/Basic Training. $2,500. A vetted, 30-day in-the-field trial period for those interested in Boot Camp or to become an Apprentice. Opportunity to ensure that an individual is a good fit for the program or job; to identify what you want, what you’re capable of doing, and what you’re willing to do to get it. Safety is a key issue, and a degree of mental and physical capacity is required. Individuals are screened, vetted, and must qualify. SIGN UP NOW
- Boot Camp. $12,500 per year. A 2-year training program teaching all aspects of the business for those who want to start up or scale up their own business. Our 2-year Boot Camp meets 5 times a year, 7 days each time, in 4 different seasons, on 10 different job sites, for 10 different client types, in 5 different states. Boot Camp instructors work with you one-on-one in Camp to help you achieve your goals, giving you the best results for your time. Boot Camp skills can be modified up or down, so our high-intensity training will push you no matter where you are in your fitness journey. Must complete 30-day Basic Training to qualify for Boot Camp. LEARN MORE.
- Apprentice. Receives paid stipend. Apprentice is a full-time working position with a paid stipend for those who do not want to run their own business. Must complete 30-day Basic Training to qualify to become an apprentice.